Wisconsin National Guard
Wisconsin Emergency Management
Office of emergency communications
other key leaders

Department of Military Affairs

Governor Tony Evers

Commander in Chief

The Wisconsin Constitution designates the governor as the commander-in-chief of the Wisconsin National Guard. The department is directed by the adjutant general, who is appointed by the governor for a 5-year term and may serve successive terms. The governor also appoints the administrator of Wisconsin Emergency Management.

Brig. Gen. David W. May

Interim Adjutant General – Wisconsin

Brig. Gen. David W. May is Wisconsin’s Interim Adjutant General. He commands the Wisconsin National Guard and is responsible for Emergency Management. He also serves as Wisconsin’s Homeland Security Advisor, chairs the Homeland Security Council, and serves as the senior state official for cyber matters.

Wisconsin National Guard

Brig. Gen. Matthew J. Strub

Deputy Adjutant General – Army

Brig. Gen. Matthew P. Beilfuss

Deputy Adjutant General – Civil Support

Brig. Gen. Erik A. Peterson

Interim Deputy Adjutant General – Air

Chief Warrant Officer 4 Charles Mattison

State Command Chief Warrant Officer

Command Sgt. Maj. Curtis Patrouille

State Command Sergeant Major, Army

Command Chief Master Sgt. Chad E. Workman

State Command Chief, Air

Wisconsin Emergency Management

Greg Engle


Ruhamah Bauman

Director – Bureau of Operations & Planning Support

Katie Sommers

Director – Bureau of Policy & Grants

Paul Cooke

Director – Bureau of Field Services

Wisconsin Office of Emergency Communications

Erik Viel

Director of Emergency Communications

Other Key Leaders

Adjutant General Staff

  • Executive Assistant – Leah Moore
  • Assistant Adjutant General for Readiness & Training – Vacant
  • Inspector General – MAJ Brian J. Faltinson
  • Director of Government and Public Affairs – Bridget Esser
  • Director – Human Resources Office (Federal) – LTC Joseph Davison
  • State Human Resources Manager – Stacie Meyer
  • Legislative Liaison – Leslie Westmont
  • U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer – COL Douglas Kolb
  • State Budget and Finance Manager – Anna Oehler
  • Legal Counsel – Meg Vergeront
  • Staff Judge Advocate – COL Douglas Moore
Wisconsin National Guard
Wisconsin Emergency Management
Office of emergency communications
other key leaders