Thank you for visiting the Wisconsin Army and Air National Guard Community Relations web page and for considering our involvement in your event.

The Wisconsin National Guard welcomes the opportunity to connect local communities with our missions and capabilities, by building and developing relationships with a wide range of organizations.

Aviation Requests

F35 flyover a football game

The Wisconsin National Guard offers aviation support such as flyovers and static displays to eligible events from air shows to professional sporting events.

Equipment Displays

Convoy of humvees driving down the road

Exhibitions and displays are a great way to educate general audiences, target partner agencies and provide accurate information to key decision makers regarding the Wisconsin National Guard’s capabilities and missions.

All Other Requests

National Guard band playing

The Wisconsin National Guard provides a range of musical resources, including ceremonial and marching bands, along with opportunities for speakers to share their personal experiences and insights on various topics related to their service.

Contact Us

For all community relations inquiries and support requests, please use the form below to reach out to our Community Relations Office.

Common FAQs

Q: How far in advance should I submit my request?

A: Requests should be submitted at least 90 days prior to the event for best consideration.

Q: Can I request military support for a private event?

A: No, support is only provided for public events that benefit the community.

Q: Are there any restrictions on what kind of events the National Guard can support?

A: Yes, there are restrictions based on eligibility and regulatory compliance. All events must be open to the public and adhere to Department of Defense regulations.

Q: Does approval guarantee support of my event?

A: Approval of an event does not guarantee actual support. Availability depends on factors such as training schedules and mission requirements.