Lieutenant Colonel Ronald R. Wagner

Lieutenant Colonel Ronald R. Wagner joined the Air Force in 1968 and served in Florida, Thailand and Germany. In 1972, he joined the Wisconsin Air National Guard, assigned to the 128th Fighter Inceptor Squadron, Milwaukee, Wis.

In 1979, he was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant from the Academy of Military Science and served as a Fuels Officer. Later, he served as a Logistic Planner, coordinating more than 70 deployments with the A-10 aircraft. He also served as a Conversion Officer for the unit’s conversion from the A-10 to the F-16 aircraft. He was assigned as the Wing Comptroller in 1991 and participated in the annual Air National Guard Top Dollar exercise as a role player and exercise commander from 1996-2000.

Lt Col Wagner served on the Air National Guard Comptroller’s Advisory Board from 1997-2000, serving as the chairman the last two years.

He was inducted into the Wisconsin Air National Guard Hall of Fame January 2015