Provide Equal Opportunity and Equal Employment Opportunity for all members of the Wisconsin National Guard and Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs. In addition, job applicants and applicants for membership for the Wisconsin National Guard or Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs will not be subject to illegal discrimination. All members are entitled to serve in an environment free from discrimination and sexual harassment.
It is the goal of the agency to resolve and settle all allegations and complaints of discrimination fairly and expeditiously. Whenever possible, complaints will be resolved at the lowest appropriate command level. Personnel who feel they have been subjected to illegal discrimination have the legal right to participate in the complaint process. Personnel filing complaints will not be discouraged from filing a complaint due to fear of reprisal and/or retaliation. Allegations of discrimination and harassment will be given prompt attention and resolved as expeditiously as possible.

Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs
Joint Force Headquarters
EO & EEO Office

2400 Wright Street
Madison, Wisconsin 53708
MAIN LINE: (608) 242-3702